Contributions of the non-violent international interventions against the occupation of the Palestinian Territories

Author: Diego Checa Hidalgo*


The aim of this article is to examine those non-violent international interventions which contribute towards the transformation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They support the non-violent struggle devised by the Palestinian and the Israeli civil societies to end the occupation. Global civil society groups manage these interventions to benefit local social movements to protect them from violence, support their initiatives and facilitate their empowerment processes. In the case of the Palestinian Territories, these initiatives emerged in the mid-nineties and expanded despite the difficulties encountered in the course of their work. The findings of our research revealed that non-violent international interventions in the Palestinian Territories contribute towards strengthening the resistance movements against occupation, spread the culture of peace in the region and challenge the existing militarism in the Israeli and the Palestinian societies.


Keywords: Global civil society, civil resistance, nonviolence, conflict transformation, Palestine. 


*PhD. Contemporary History. Centre for Trust, Peace and Reconciliation Studies, Coventry University, Coventry, United Kingdom, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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