Good governance and its impact in improving administrative and financial performance: a case study of Nablus Municipality

Author: Fuad Kurdi


The study aims to investigate good governance in Nablus Municipality and its role in improving the administrative and financial performance, in order to shed light on its financial and administrative transparency practices, accountability indicators, process of information disclosure and accessibility, and the procedures and mechanisms used to control financial and administrative corruption. To achieve this, a 49-items scale developed by the researcher which was administrated to three hundred and ten participants (two hundred and fifty employees and sixty clients) was randomly selected. Data were statistically analyzed using statistical package for social sciences (SPSS). Findings showed that good governance in Nablus Municipality as experienced by the sample of three hundred and ten participants was moderate. Out of the participants surveyed, 58.2% argued that Nablus Municipality had a moderate level of good governance. The study recommends the need to issue laws and regulations on the applications of governance in local institutions, to impose strict penalties against perpetrators of financial and administrative corruption, and to consider corruption as an offense against honor. Implications of the findings and directions for future empirical research are discussed.


Keywords: Good governance, local government institutions, municipalities, financial and administrative disclosure.


Fuad Kurdi, MA. Sustainable Rural Development, Institute of Sustainable Development, Faculty of Arts, Al-Quds University, Main Campus, Jerusalem- Abu Dies, Palestine. Independent Researcher, Nablus, Palestine. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

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